Authors: Deeb Abu Fara , Linda Al-Hmoud , Adnan A. Badwan
Pages: 36-49

Chitin, the second most abundant biopolymer after cellulose, can function as an excipient for pharmaceutical solid dosage forms. Chitin, due to its chemical inertness, is useful in extending the shelf life of many drugs. Binary composites of chitin and another suitable excipient can be formed to improve the compressibility and compatibility of chitin. Composites composed of chitin/CaCO2, chitin/CaHPO4, and chitin/MCC were prepared by slugging the powders using a single punch machine, ground, and screened over mish#22. Characterization of the composites was performed by measuring the density, particle size, and flowability of the powder composites. The compression behavior of the composites was performed utilizing Kawakita analysis. Characterization of the compacts (tablets) formed was undertaken by measuring the hardness (crushing strength), disintegration time, and friability of the tablets. Modeling and optimization of the performance of the various composites and the correlation between the input factors (compression force, chitin content, and additive type) and the responses (powder volume reduction and tablet hardness) were achieved by Response Surface Method (RSM) analysis. The tablet hardness was modeled by a linear model with both the compression force and the composite composition. The powder volume reduction was best modeled by a quadratic model with compression force and composite composition. One of the major conclusions from this work is the effect of synergy between different modes of deformation of binary excipients. In this regard, there is an impact of brittle excipients added to a plastically deforming excipient in improving the compressibility of a composite of chitin-CaHPO4 and chitin-CaCO3. The RSM models were in agreement with the compression analysis results using the Kawakita method.
Paper type: Research paper
Keywords: Chitin composites; compression analysis; tablet hardness; Kawakita analysis; RSM modeling.
Citation: Abu Fara, D., Al-Hmoud,L.,ans A., Badwan ,“ Composites of Chitin as Excipient for Pharmaceutical Solid.”,Jordanian Journal of Engineering and Chemical Industries, Vol. 8, No.1, pp: 36-49 (2025).